Wednesday, April 7, 2010

72 years in life

Oh no! 72 year in life? That is significant to my soul. Thankful Allah. Thankful Allah....bla..bla..bla....[Song by Yusoff Islam].

He gave an oxygen for breath, he gave health for continuous prayer, he gave richness for helping relative/others member, he gave a beautiful for human nature and he also gave peaceful for we appreciate our life.

We only plan to have a meaningful life but sometime it is not happen. Sadness! Angry!@%#! Sometime Allah delay our desire, because of he is good planner in the world. Allah knows the best way for us.

Today, again Allah extend my life until uncertainty period. I'm one of his khalifah, thankful with happanies. He granted the human's request as schedule. It is proven that Allah know better than us.

Terima kasih tuhan ku, bersyukur sangat sangat.

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